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Heating and Air Conditioning Basics

Much like finding the home that works for your family, you’ll want to find the right fit with your Heating and Air Conditioning system, too. There’s no one size that fits all when it comes to Heating and Air Conditioning systems, but working with an American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Customer Care Dealer will allow you to make the right choice for your home.

Air Conditioners

When comparing air conditioners, pay close attention to the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). It’s a measure of how efficiently an air conditioner cools your home in the summer.


An efficient American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning furnace could have a significant impact on your energy consumption, while also helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Heat Pumps

No matter what the weather is like outside, heat pumps automatically adjust to run at a more efficient speed to maintain your ideal comfort level and control the humidity in your home.


Enjoy precise control over your home’s climate with a reliable home thermostat from American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning while also lowering your carbon footprint.

Professional Heating and Air Conditioning Services 

American Standard Customer Care dealers are the best contractors in your area. They are all factory trained to the highest standard to properly service or repair your heating and cooling system. Rather than attempt repairs yourself, have one of our certified dealers come to your home to perform a full diagnostic check and repair your unit. You don’t have to get your hands dirty and your unit will continue to keep you comfortable.

Does your system need an upgrade?

Is your heat pump or air conditioner more than 10 years old?
Systems today are much more efficient than systems ten years ago. You could be spending 40-60% more in energy with your old inefficient system compared to today’s new high efficiency systems. A system 10 years ago likely has a SEER rating less than 10 SEER, compared to systems that are up to 20 SEER today.
Does your system need frequent repairs?
If your cooling system is requiring more and more repairs, it may save you money to upgrade to a new high efficiency system. The repairs are likely due to wear and tear on your system, which is operating at a much lower capacity subsequently is costing you more money on your utility bills.
Are some of the rooms in your home too hot or too cold?
A new system can be properly designed to create consistent comfort in every room. The hot and cold spots in your home are likely due to a improperly designed or installed system, ductwork problems or inadequate insulation. The comfort consultants from any of our participating dealers will take all these factors into consideration to recommend a properly sized and installed system.
Does anyone in your home suffer from allergies?
A new system with an Accuclean air filtration system can help eliminate 99.9% of air borne allergens in your home as well as remove excessive dust in your home. Dust, allergens, bacteria and dander are all triggers of asthma. Installing a new system with a whole house air filtration can eliminate many of these triggers so you can breathe easy all year long, even during allergy seasons.
Is your system noisy?
If you are constantly hearing your system kick on and off and the noise is causing restless nights, you may consider a new system. The new technology allows systems to operate very quietly and efficiently.

How Can We Help? 

American Standard Customer Care Dealers are factory trained to properly service and repair your heating and cooling system. If you are requiring service, maintenance or repair, you can call any of our participating dealers with confidence that they will service your system and get it running at the highest efficiency and capacity possible.